Warth Schroecken

Traditional associations of Warth and Schröcken.

Cultural roots and vibrant traditions.

The picturesque villages of Warth and Schröcken are not only known for their breathtaking mountain scenery but also for their vibrant traditions and culture. In this region, where the Walser community is deeply rooted, traditional associations play a central role in social life. They not only promote musical culture but also preserve old customs and costumes that keep the heritage of this unique region alive.

From the harmonious sounds of the music association to the festive splendor of the costume groups and the impressive performances of the alphorn group—the associations are a living testament to the cultural identity of Warth and Schröcken. Here, the past meets the present, and community life offers both young and old the opportunity to become part of a proud tradition. Let yourself be inspired by the diversity and commitment of these communities and discover the cultural treasures that Warth and Schröcken have to offer.

Music association Schröcken.

Musikverein Schröcken

Harmony holds us together, harmony unites us.
Founded in 1962, the Musikverein Schröcken currently boasts a proud membership of 34 and plays a significant role in the social life of the village. Particularly noteworthy is the large number of young musicians who diligently and enthusiastically participate in the club's activities.

The association's traditional costume slightly differs from the Tannberg costume and is also seen among neighboring associations in Lech and the Kleinwalsertal. Musical highlights include the New Year's concert and summer concerts, which take place in various locations throughout Schröcken. These events are true highlights for both the eyes and ears, attracting numerous visitors.

Alphorn group Wartherhorn.

Alphorngruppe Wartherhorn

We are Walser.
The relatively young alphorn group "Wartherhorn," established in 2015, has already built an impressive repertoire of typical musical pieces. At various events, the 11 deeply rooted members showcase their talents while dressed in Tannberg attire, accompanied by their long alphorns. Their performances are a delight for both the eyes and ears, strengthening the cultural identity of the region.

Traditional costume associations & children's costume group.


Our trademark.
The Tannberg costume is proudly worn by the locals of the Walser communities of Warth, Schröcken, and Lech. Especially during church holidays, weddings, and baptisms, these costumes are a true visual highlight. They not only signify tradition but also tell stories about their wearers. For example, white socks worn by men indicate singlehood, while blue socks denote a married man.

The children's costume group.
When the children from Schröcken take the stage in their specially crafted mini costumes, cheers and applause are guaranteed. The children's costume group frequently performs alongside the Musikverein Schröcken, enriching the festive program at concerts, parades in the region, and the Warther Christmas market.

Ski pass

Please note the current traffic situation

  • L200 Bregenzerwald
  • B198 Reutte
  • L198 Lech
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